Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tyler Perry on Oprah

(If you have not seen Why did I get married too Stop spoiler alert)Okay I know I'm really behind on this show, but I DVR everything and watch it when I can. So that's my excuse for this late comment. Today I watched Oprah with Janet Jackson and Tyler Perry and Oprah asked him a question " How can you write for women so well?" and then says my Mother. Chile please that ain't why U write so well for women I think Mr Perry is gay, and trust me that's nobody concerns but his own.
Its funny because just a few days ago me and a good friend of mine was talking about this very same thing and I broke it down why I think Tyler is gay or bi.
Tyler character in both WDIGM movies is the only male to play the victim by his wife man please stop acting like a little bitch. In part 2 Tyler character Terry recalls dates, times and all kind of stuff from the past about Diana's activities. I'm sorry ain't no straight man that intuitive to recall all of that. That my friend is the trait of a woman not a man.
Then in all of his movies and plays he has the finest men nice body, good looking the whole package, and if he does have a man that his fat or something they are playing a comic character like Mr Brown or something. Gay men love beat glamours divas and guess what thats all Tyler has in his movies, and now I read a article about Tyler, saying he does not think being in a relationship is for him because he is to busy and he has homes all over the place now, please I think he only said that because we ain't gonna see him with any woman and that's his excuse why. No its not its because your gay Tyler you have been in the limelight for years and we have never seen you with a woman. I don't care how a man was raised when he comes into fame and money like Tyler did he gone fuck around and when he does have a date she looks like some paid skinny trophy date model. I'm just sitting back and waiting for this too all come to light. If he is gay I can understand why he does not share that if he himself has already came to terms with it, but as a gay man myself it sickens me when someone who is gay denies it.

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